Monday, November 17, 2008

On Death Part III:

e: Mom, I just don't get it.
e: I just don't get it.
m: get what honey?
e: I don't get it. when people die, how do they get to the church?
m: It's really pretty hard to understand. Basically, they die a hospital or at their house, and a car takes them to the church, then to the cemetery where they bury the person's body in the ground....but the person's heart, their brain...their "person" goes to heaven to be with jesus (I myself have some rational doubts about this, but feel that I should lead my child in some direction)
e: but how does the person get to the church?
m: in the car that drives people who are dead to the places they need to go
e: so, does the car do anything else beside driving dead people?
m: no, that's its' only job.
e: what do they call that kind of car?
m: it's called a hearse.
e: oh....ok.

on death part 1, on death part 2


Anonymous said...

Where does she get all this death stuff?

mama said...

seriously, I do not know. probably since my entire side of the family is dead, it comes up often around our house...and she's been to at least 3 funerals already...

Anonymous said...

As long as she keeps a postive attitude it's fine. Her namesake Maeanna always did.Maybe it's a touch of her in Ella.