Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On being "Room Mom":

Not that I needed another thing to do, I am now one of three "Room Moms" for Ella's kindergarten class. Yes, I work 40 hours/week, hold the President's seat of the Non-Profit Board, Chair the fundraising committee, feed, clothe and bath my kids everyday, make a ginormous attempt at keeping my marriage together, attend almost every home party I'm invited to...all while managing some semblance of sanity....did I mention I drive 50+ miles each day??...oh, the sanity, that's a total joke. I'm not sane. Just really busy. Anyhow, last friday was my first shot at this room mom gig...it went well! Thanks to Ms. Elling's hard work and patience with her 5 year-olds, we had 19 little people that did what they were supposed to do when they were supposed to do it and still had loads fun!! ...and best of all I loved being called: "Hey, Ella's mom!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are TOTALLY the best mom in the world!!!! I only hope I had a little influence in that!