Sunday, March 2, 2008

...and one more....

Tonight is a night of blog postings. Really, I'm not just sitting at my computer documenting the muses of my evening, well, I am, but I have managed to parent, shower, put away laundry and do a quick freelance project tonight...this though, I do have to share. I'm not one to evangelize religion or politics, but today at Church our Pastor shared a joke that was told by an author who spoke there this past week (I think it was James Wallace (??), he, and Deepak Chopra both spoke this week at WCC) anyhow, the joke was a part of the sermon:

"A man is drowning in the Potomac river, 100 feet off shore. The Republicans come and throw a 50-foot rope and say "Here ya go, you gotta work for it." The Democrats come and throw a 200-foot rope.............and let go of their end."

...just goes to show......I should be president. or not.


Anonymous said...

You are president.

Anonymous said...

maybe we should do that?!?