Wednesday, July 29, 2009

social stereotypes at their finest:

g: mama! I have an owie on my finner, I need a bin-DADE!
m: ok.... (mama goes to fetch bin-DADE)
g: NO! NOT THAT bin-DADE!!!! THAT'S A GIRL bin-DADE!!!! (had snow white on it)
m: a what??
g: A GIRL bin-DADE!!! I WANT A BOY bin-DADE!
m: well, what's a boy bin-DADE?
g: spongebob one!

1 comment:

Bockie said...

Guess he spends too much time with Bockie, I have Sponge Bob Bin-Dades for him and Barbie ones for Ella. It's just a Gma's thing.