Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring [boring] Break:

Dear Ella,

I am aware that you are the only [or nearly the only] child from your Kindergarten class that is in Minnesota this week. The others are visiting exotic places, building sand castles or skiing on mountains. I realize this. I also realize how incredibly challenging it is to write in your "Spring Break Journal" each day, when the highlight of your day is a trip to Costco or going through the carwash with the cool rainbow soap.

I'm hoping that someday you'll look humbly back on these experiences and realize that a trip through the carwash playing I-spy with your Mom in the minivan IS actually a priceless moment, sure, it's not hand-picking bananas in Costa Rica.....but I did let you pick out gum at Target on Sunday.

Someday, I promise, we'll go on a vacation as a might not be until your senior year of highschool, but it will come. In the mean time, I pray that you don't notice the kids with the sun-kissed faces on monday morning....

Love, Mama (who thinks the rainbow soap IS quite awesome)


The Mommy said...

Who are we kidding? By the time we get to the point where we can actually take a family vacation, the kids will be so old they won't want to come with us. So we'll ditch them and drink margaritas at the pool bar with the other grown-ups.

mama said...

that'll do too! deal.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear we are not the only "boring people" who cannot take those wild vacations that "everyone else gets too." Oh well, the car wash will always be the favorite!

Jules (a.k.a. "Mama") said...

We'll be here, too!

Jules (a.k.a. "Mama") said...

Maybe our kids we'l be lucky enough to be friends with those families who take friends on vacation!

mama said...

and their moms?