Monday, August 25, 2008

8 days & counting:

I finally cried. I had held myself together all summer, knowing Ella was embarking on a new chapter of her life and all was well. Then, I got the envelope. THE envelope. The name tag to pin on her shirt, the PIN number for her hot lunches, the payment coupons for all day kindergarten (thanks, Mr. Bush) and the letter. The letter that read: Dear Ella, I can't wait to meet you.....I have so many fun things planned for us......we'll have a great year.....Love, Ms. Elling. Tears. Lots of tears. Now starts 13 years of best friends, worst friends and designer jeans.


Anonymous said...

and boys boys and more boys.

BTW, I cried too just reading this post. :)

mama said...

I'm glad you cried. Now, I know I'm not nuts....or we're both nuts.

Peggy said...

Just wait until she gets in the school or on the bus and NEVER even bothers to look back at you because she is so excited about leaving!! No one cares that mommy is in hysterics watching her baby leave. Then she comes home from school and cannot stay awake until 7:00. Forget supper, bath time, or going over school papers!!

Courtenay said...

the older they get, the more i cry. i cried tonight just thinking that one day, sooner than not, my 9-yr-old will be at the mall w/ his friends instead of home w/ us. i miss him already, and he's still here!!!